The Joy of Art Retreat

Hallelujah Farm Retreat is honored to be hosting you for The Joy of Art Retreat.

If you are choosing to make your contribution virtually, please factor in the 3% fee that we will be charged for using the digital payment platform.

If you wish to pay by check, please mail it to “Ministry of Spirit at Hallelujah Farm, PO Box 176, Chesterfield, NH, 03443.”

Make a Contribution

Pricing Outline

If paying on the website:

$360 per person in a shared room (you must sign up with your roommate; we will not assign a random roommate) 

$443 per person in a single Chapel room

$547 per person in a single Cape room

$247 per person as a day guest


If paying by check:

$350 per person in a shared room (you must sign up with your roommate; we will not assign a random roommate) 

$430 per person in a single Chapel room

$530 per person in a single Cape room

$240 per person as a day guest