Make your deposit.

Hallelujah Farm Retreat is honored to be a part of your event.

The deposit allows us to maintain the space and keep up the quality of service. If you are choosing to make your contribution virtually, please factor in the 3% fee that we will be charged for using the digital payment platform.

Make a Contribution

General Expected Contributions

Shared Chapel Room (Sunday-Thursday) $145 per person per night

Shared Chapel Room (Friday-Saturday) $165 per person per night

Single Chapel Room (Sunday-Thursday) $175 per person per night

Single Chapel Room (Friday-Saturday) $205 per person per night


Shared Cape Room (Sunday-Thursday) $145 per person per night

Shared Cape Room (Friday-Saturday) $165 per person per night

Single Cape Room (Sunday-Thursday) $225 per person per night

Single Cape Room (Friday-Saturday) $255 per person per night

All room pricing is baseline; contribution amounts are subject to change based on the needs and size of each retreat group. We will work with each group to identify the needs for the group and determine the contributions accordingly.

Please contact us with questions about day guest contributions.